2023 High Plains Honor Band
Welcome to this web page where you can see and hear the two audition pieces for percussion for the 2023 High Plains Honor Band
These videos are intended to help you prepare for your audition.
I am available to answer questions and meet with you to help in your preparation.
Please contact me at rpuzzo@csc.edu.
To get more information about the High Plains Festival including the application, audition procedures, and the audition music, click here.
Snare Drum Audition Etude
This performance is with a metronome click at quarter note = 100 bpm.
Click the settings icon to adjust the playback speed so you can play along with the video
Mallet Keyboard Audition Etude
This performance is with a metronome click at quarter note = 100 bpm.
Click the settings icon to adjust the playback speed so you can play along with the video
For this performance, I am using the Vic Firth M133 medium poly xylophone mallets.